منتدى عرب ليكرز

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جميع روابط التحميل متاحة للزوار وغير مخفية مع العلم عزيزى الزائر التسجيل مجاني..

يعني مش هتخسر ولا حاجة ! سجل معنا وشاركنا فى افكارنا
نصيحة: الفرصة دي مش لكل الزوار ! فلا تسجل
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لحد تاني غيرك حتى يستفيد منها!
منتدى عرب ليكرز

مرحبا بكم فى منتديات اسطورة
جميع روابط التحميل متاحة للزوار وغير مخفية مع العلم عزيزى الزائر التسجيل مجاني..

يعني مش هتخسر ولا حاجة ! سجل معنا وشاركنا فى افكارنا
نصيحة: الفرصة دي مش لكل الزوار ! فلا تسجل
إن كنت لست مقتنعاً وسيب الفرصة دي
لحد تاني غيرك حتى يستفيد منها!
منتدى عرب ليكرز
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى عرب ليكرز

افلام , العاب , برامج حصرية وكاملة , اخبار مصارعة
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 تحميل لعبة الاكشن No One Lives Forever Anthology

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 1098
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/08/2011
العمر : 32
الموقع : wwe2013.allyogame.com

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مُساهمةموضوع: تحميل لعبة الاكشن No One Lives Forever Anthology   تحميل لعبة الاكشن No One Lives Forever Anthology Icon_minitime16/01/13, 12:33 pm

تحميل لعبة الاكشن No One Lives Forever Anthology 333e7ea9e54ec49e5804c6d314cecdb8

No One Lives Forever Anthology (2000-2003/MULTi2/RePack by Sylvester)
Year: 2000-2003 | PC | Eng Rus | Developer: Monolith Productions | Publisher: Sierra Entertainment | 2.15 GB
Genre: First Person Shooter

Operative: No One Lives Forever: N.O.L.F. was one of the few games that continue the work begun by "Thief", while effervescent
parody of James Bond and all started the game about his adventure. The
main heroine of the game - Cate Archer (childhood trades theft) -
British Secret Service agent intelligence UNITY It will have to unravel
the sinister designs of the terrorist organization «HARM», and save the
world from the threat hanging over him.

"Thoughtful stealth - you can not only see and hear, and on many levels, there are surveillance cameras;
"Advanced AI - enemies respond correctly to the bodies of dead comrades, and skillful use of the shelter for the shootings;
"A huge number of spy gadgets - from stud pick up the acid powder;
"Great atmosphere and humorous story of the sixties.

No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M's Way:
last time we stayed at that charming Scottish, British agent service
UNITY versed with the international criminal gang HARM Cate Archer, of
course, emerged victorious from this battle, but as it turned out, the victory
in the battle does not mean winning the war. Performing an ordinary job
in Japan, Kate learns that the HARM devised another evil deed. This
time, the world will be captured immediately, but after a nuclear war
that will provoke and HARM, starting a war between the USSR and the USA.

"Stealth is more thoughtful - the body can be hidden in secret places, and add a role system;
"Incredible graphics for its time - the highest specification, this facial animation, excellent special effects;
"The new spy gadgets - cat robot drotikomet, shooting a venomous spines and sentinel sensors;
"The game did not lost its charm and humor, and just full of different jokes, popliteal and cranberries.

Contract J.A.C.K.:
Your nickname
- "Agent Jack." Your motto - "There is a contract - act." Your
specialty - to solve problems. You - the assassin top class. This is the
specialist took the bosses of an international criminal organization
known as HARM Their choice fell on you, and the rejection of the
contract means certain death. Your task - to thwart the plans of the
Italian mafia threatening the well-being of your employer. Yes, in the
deadly clashes and crashes your life more than once will hang in the
balance. But what can you do - it costs the profession ...

"The exciting campaign, from the Czech Republic and Italy to the secret space station;
"New weapons, spy gadgets and vehicles;
"A fascinating story, colorful characters, a specific spy humor;
"Traditional ironic atmosphere a la sixties;

√ Operating system: Windows ® 98/2000/ME/XP/Se7en
√ Processor: Pentium III 1200 MHz
√ Memory: 256 MB RAM
√ Video: 64 MB DirectX 8.0 support
√ Sound Card: DirectX 8.0 - compliant
√ Hard drive space: 1.6 GB

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تحميل لعبة الاكشن No One Lives Forever Anthology
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