منتدى عرب ليكرز

مرحبا بكم فى منتديات اسطورة
جميع روابط التحميل متاحة للزوار وغير مخفية مع العلم عزيزى الزائر التسجيل مجاني..

يعني مش هتخسر ولا حاجة ! سجل معنا وشاركنا فى افكارنا
نصيحة: الفرصة دي مش لكل الزوار ! فلا تسجل
إن كنت لست مقتنعاً وسيب الفرصة دي
لحد تاني غيرك حتى يستفيد منها!
منتدى عرب ليكرز

مرحبا بكم فى منتديات اسطورة
جميع روابط التحميل متاحة للزوار وغير مخفية مع العلم عزيزى الزائر التسجيل مجاني..

يعني مش هتخسر ولا حاجة ! سجل معنا وشاركنا فى افكارنا
نصيحة: الفرصة دي مش لكل الزوار ! فلا تسجل
إن كنت لست مقتنعاً وسيب الفرصة دي
لحد تاني غيرك حتى يستفيد منها!
منتدى عرب ليكرز
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى عرب ليكرز

افلام , العاب , برامج حصرية وكاملة , اخبار مصارعة
الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 مشغل ملفات الصوت والفديو ALLPlayer فى اخر اصدار

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 1098
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/08/2011
العمر : 32
الموقع : wwe2013.allyogame.com

مشغل ملفات الصوت والفديو ALLPlayer فى اخر اصدار Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مشغل ملفات الصوت والفديو ALLPlayer فى اخر اصدار   مشغل ملفات الصوت والفديو ALLPlayer فى اخر اصدار Icon_minitime26/01/13, 03:20 pm

مشغل ملفات الصوت والفديو ALLPlayer فى اخر اصدار 2f18a954d0e67b6747906b1294e3190e

ALLPlayer + Portable | 37.15/36.51 Mb

ALLPlayer is an [color=red]easy [/color]to use free media player that can play multiple video and audio formats, features intelligent Subtitles, is lightweight etc etc. ALLPlayer lets you customize everything pretty easily – note the volume/contrast/etc. controls that are the most usable so far among many media players. ALLPlayer
 is the first player in the world that enables “IQ Text” function, which
 analyzes the length of the displayed subtitles so that it would be
displayed long enough for you to be able to read everything. Thanks to this function you won’t miss any subtitles watching
 the film! Very often the subtitles come so fast one after another that
you don’t manage to read everything, but from now on, thanks to IQ Text,
 you won’t have this problem any [color=orange]more[/color] – check yourself!

ALLPlayer Full version,
 with additional programs and the basic codecs, supports playback of
most popular video and audio formats, such as DivX, XviD, MP3, and AVI,
FLV, MP4, 3GP, MKV, M2TS, MPG, [color=cyan]MPEG[/color], RMVB, WMV, QuickTime, MOV, FLAC,
APE, and many more less known formats can be played thanks to codecs
built into the program (only ALLPlayer needs to be installed). ALLPlayer has built in special connectors to the Opensubtitles.org servers that enable to watch Movie with matching subtitles in the instant mode.

 also has a build in free converter which can convert new formats like
x264 or MKV to the format playable on your DVD/DivX device, PSP, iPod,
iPhone and all other mobile phones. It has also live updater which keeps
 you updated with the latest codecs-pack. AVI Doctor helps when you are
downloading torrent file and want to preview the movie. With AVI Doctor
you can also fix the Broken file. With LiveUpdate you will get access to
 other skins and many additional programs and functions. Give LiveUpdate
 a try and you will experience a new way of watching movies on PC.

• ALLContainer – film review, cover, and subtitles all in one file.
• SnapShot – takes pictures of the films (stills) – F12 key.
• Option to redefine the keyboard.
• Automatic shutdown after watching a movie.
• Automatic switching off of the monitor after watching a movie.
• AutoResume – resume watching the movie from the point where we finished.
• Frame by frame browsing.
• The ability to play the movie as a desktop background.
• Possibility of changing the playback speed from 0.1x to 2x film speed.
• Possibility of changing contrast, brightness, or saturation.

 Possibility of changing balance, volume, and also through the AC3 sound
 filter, the possibility of switching output for any number of channels.
• OSD – On Screen Display.
• The ability to skip the film set in the program settings (default 10 seconds).
• Any size of window for the movie – using the mouse-drag option.
• Zoom in full screen mode.
• Easy access to filters used by video, as well as the ability to configure most of the available filters on your computer.
• Easy access to recently opened files.
• Repeat function.
• Widescreen TV support.
• Automatic selection of image resolution in full screen mode.
• Option to adjust film volume separately from computer volume.


ALLPlayer Portable

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مشغل ملفات الصوت والفديو ALLPlayer فى اخر اصدار
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صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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